• 自立


    It is an expression of
    the spirit of self-reliance.

  • 篤行

    sincere practice

    It expresses that all actions
    and practices must be devout.

  • 端正


    It is an expression of
    the right personality and
    character that humans should have.

Education and research

1. Introduction

Woosong College of Liberal Arts’s Communication Classroom operates a writing clinic to fulfill students’ writing needs. Below, you can find detailed information.

Name Area
Enrichment Writing Clinic ① Writing courses
② General education and major courses
Excellence Writing Clinic ③ Contests and employment
④ Miscellaneous

(1) Enrichment Writing Clinic

① Writing courses

All students must complete “University Writing” or “Scientific Writing.” In these courses, they learn the basics of writing in various fields and how to write for their core, major courses. Because time is limited in such courses, and despite the professors’ best efforts, students may not be able to fulfill their potential. The Writing Clinic aims to overcome these limits. Through personal guidance, students can practice and perfect their writing skills.

② General education and major courses

Students sometimes encounter difficulties when they have to write reports and give presentations in a variety of courses. However, because of each course’s special characteristics, it was not easy to give detailed writing analysis and assistance to those who desire such. The Writing Clinic seeks to guide such students in order that they can write in a clear, persuasive, and well-organized manner in many kinds of courses.

(2) Excellence Writing Clinic

③ Contests and employment

Students have to write not only for their university courses but also, in particular, to gain employment or continue their higher education. When doing so, they may encounter difficulties in such goal-oriented writing. The Writing Clinic can help students reach their goals and alleviate their stress.

④ Miscellaneous

Students write for many other reasons. For example, they may write a blog post or contribute an article to newspaper or magazine. The Writing Clinic can assist such students to make an objective analysis of their writings and reduce fear of making public their opinions.

2. Program Outline

The Writing Clinic is divided into the “Course-linked Clinic” and “Personal Clinic.” The “Course-linked Clinic” aims to improve style and form of students’ writing done for “University Writing” and “Scientific Writing.” The “Personal Clinic” aims to assist students who want to write for other courses, employment, or contests.

Name Area Operation
Enrichment Writing Clinic ① Writing courses
② General education and major courses Course-linked Clinic
Excellence Writing Clinic ③ Contests and employment Personal Clinic
④ Miscellaneous

(1) Course-linked Clinic

Area Professor’s Name Operation
① “University Writing” Clinic Kin Nam-ho Course-linked clinic
One-on-one guidance
Kim Seong-eun
Kim Yong-seong
Baek Song-i
Park Seong-su
Song Ji-yeon
L:ee A-reum
Lee Won-seok
Lee Byeong-chan
Jeon Dae-seok
Cho Seong-hun
Choe Seong-guk

(2) Personal Guidance

Area Professor’s Name Operation
② General education and major courses Kim Yong-seong
Song Ji-yeon

Choose time

Come to clinic
③ Contests and employment Baek Song-i
Lee Won-Seok
④ Miscellaneous Kim Seong-eun
Lee Byeong-chan

3. Woosong Best Essay Prize and ”Woosong Essay Anthology”

The best essays written by students in “University Writing” and “Scientific Writing” are evaluated and published in the “Woosong Essay Anthology” in order to share their achievements with the school’s student body and faculty and to help other students to write better.

“University Writing” Evaluation (first round) Preliminary candidates Evaluation (second round) Woosong Essay Prize “Woosong Essay Anthology”

Upperclassmen Writing Clinic Evaluation(first round) Preliminary candidates Evaluation (second round) Woosong Essay Prize “Woosong Essay Anthology”

Offline Consulting

Kim Seong-eun Song Ji-yeon Lee Byeong-chan
  • Literature, PhD
    Woosong General Education Center
    Woosong University writing
    class instructor
  • Courses taught: writing, Presentation and Debate, Understanding Western Classics, Literature and Place
  • Consulting: thesis, essays, self-introductions
  • Literature, PhD
    Woosong General Education Center
  • Courses taught: Logical Thinking and Expression, Developing Creativity, Novels and Films, Understanding Korean Literature
  • Consulting: tables of contents, novels, columns, theses
  • Literature, PhD
    Woosong General Education Center
  • Courses taught: Understanding Eastern Classics, Understanding Korean Literature, Literature
  • Consulting: assignments, reports, critical writing, theses

Online Consulting

1. Goals
  • The “Creative Writing Consulting Program” is divided into “Intensive University Writing” and “General Education and Major Courses Consulting.”
  • In University Writing, students learn the basics of writing in various fields and how to write for their core, major courses. Because time is limited in such courses, and despite the professors’ best efforts, students may not be able to reach their full potential.
  • The Creative Writing Consulting Program gives students one-on-one guidance to improve all aspects of their writing.
  • General Education and Major Courses Consulting gives students personal guidance to improve all aspects of their writing.
2. Operation
  • This service is available only during regular semesters. Students desirous of consultion may select a professor and upload their files and requests to the message board
  • The professor in charge gives feedback, uploads documents and, depending on the situation, meets students online.

Honors English and Employment Preparation Class


1. Eligibility: Students of all years taking the monthly practice TOEIC and those with outstanding speaking grades

  1. Selection method:
    - Students with outstanding scores in regular and practice TOEIC, TOS and speaking: 80 freshman, 50 sophomores, 30 juniors, 30 seniors
  2. Selection criteria:
    - TOEIC score: freshman, higher than 600; others, higher than 700
    - Foreign students: speaking interview
    - Speaking score: TOS, OPlc or interview
    - TOEIC and winners of awards in English presentation contests
    - Students who have completed Honors English Presentations and participated in contests
  3. Grade assessment
    - Freshmen and sophomores: curve (A+ - A, 70%; B+ - D, 30%)
    - Juniors: pass/fail Employment Academy


  1. Taught by Koreans: read about and study current events in Time magazine
    : TOEIC class (special KATUSA class for male students)
  2. Taught by native English speakers: beginning, intermediate, advanced writing
    : Public speaking and presentation training/Honors Annual Presentation
  3. Monthly practice TOEIC

1. SolBridge joint program: Global Business Market Study Competition
2. Culture Club activities: country studies with SolBrige and SIS
3. OPIc
4. Local community and school volunteer work: tutoring children
5. Honors study trip abroad
6. University internship, preferential selection as working student


  1. Period: upon admission and at the beginning of each semester
  2. Grade assessment
    - Freshmen and sophomores: curve (A+ - A, 70%; B+ - D, 30%)
    - Juniors: pass/fail Employment Academy
  3. Contact:
    1. Professor Shin Mi-gyeong
    Email: aprilmks@wsu.ac.kr
    Office: W5 609
    Phone: 630-9186
    2. Cho Eun Yeo-reum (assistant)
    Office: W6 102
    Phone: 630-9398

Honors English Presentation Competition

Honors English Presentation Competition

Honors English Presentation Competition

Honors English Presentation Competition

Honors Study Trip to Adelaide, Australia

Honors Study Trip to Adelaide, Australia

Honors Study Trip to Adelaide, Australia

Honors Study Trip to Adelaide, Australia

Honors Study Trip to Adelaide, Australia

SolBridge SIS Culture Club

SolBridge SIS Culture Club


Honors Japanese (all students)

Honors Japanese (prerequisite 6/4)-1, 2 semesters

Honors Japanese (prerequisite 1/2; prerequisite 3/3)-summer/winter semesters

Honors Japanese selects and teaches according to level students who have outstanding grades, have outstanding Japanese examination scores, or have passed interview. It aims to help students raise JPLT and JPT scores, prepare for employment, and improve job practical skills. Through diverse programs, they can learn about Japanese culture.


  1. Eligibility: Students in first three years who meet two of the selection criteria
  2. Selection method:
    ① JLPT (N1,N2,N3,N4)
    ② JPT score
    ③ interview with professor and Japanese interview
  3. Selection criteria:
    - JPT score (freshmen, sophomores, juniors: above 300) and above JLPT N4
    - Outstanding score in Japanese speaking contest
    - Students judged to have ability equal to JLPT N4
    (more than 38 points on practice JLPT N4 language knowledge/reading)
  4. Grade assessment: (A+ - A, 50%; B+ - B, 50%)
  5. Professor in charge: Gal Mi-hyeon

Honors Japanese Activities

Honors Chinese and Employment Preparation Class

Honors Japanese Activities

  1. 1. Goals: Guide intermediate students to advanced Chinese language skills through intensive instruction in speaking, reading, writing, and listening
  2. Eligibility and selection: Students of all years who meet two of the selection criteria
  3. Selection criteria:
    - Students without HSK score who are passionate about Chinese
    - Outstanding students in Chinese courses
    - Outstanding score in Chinese speaking contest
    - Outstanding students in interview with professor and Chinese interview
    - Higher than New HSK Level 4
    Dept Course Section Type Credit/Hours Time/Place
    General Education Center General Chinese Honors HSK1 001 prerequisite 3/5 T, W 18:00~20:30
    Woosong Language Center 508
    002 prerequisite 3/5 T, W 18:00~20:30
    Woosong Language Center 507
  4. Grade assessment: (A+ - A, 50%; B+ - B, 50%)

Summary: Honors Chinese selects and teaches according to level students who have outstanding grades, have outstanding Chinese examination scores, or have passed interview. It aims to help students raise HSK scores, prepare for employment, and improve job practical skills. Through diverse programs, they can learn about Chinese culture.

Honors Japanese Activities

  1. Achieve Level 4-6
  2. Professor’s guidance and management
  3. Free online classes for Honors Chinese students

Chinese Contests

  1. Learn about China and Chinese more efficiently and naturally while preparing for contest

What is the Extra-Curricular Center?

The Extra-Curricular Center aims to foster competent “global talent” through programs that supplement regular courses.

Extra-Curricular Center

Star English

  1. Goal: To reduce fear of speaking English and learn real, natural English through one-on-one conversations with English professors
  2. Outline
    Name Details Times/Methods For Whom?
    Star English one-on-one conversations with English professors Mon. – Thurs.
    during semester 11:00-16:45,
    one meeting = 15 min.
    University students
  3. How to participate: Sign up in W6 102. Choose a time and day.
  4. Photos

Life Coach

  1. Goal: To improve confidence speaking by meeting an English professor (mentor) during a semester and doing activities and talking
  2. Outline
    Name Details Times/Methods For Whom?
    Life Coach Meetings with English professor (mentor) Decided by student and professor;
    At least four times during semester
    University students
  3. How to participate: Complete Google survey. (Information is available from departments and Woosong homepage.)
  4. Photos

GPS (Global Communication Showcase) WooTube contest:

In the GPS (Global Presentation Showcase) WooTube contest, students taking English courses in the spring semester make a video about “My Life.” What’s happening in your life? The world? Your school? Your future? Students can answer these questions in their WooTube video.


  • Who: All students taking an English conversation course in spring semester
  • Round 1: watch all students’ videos in class
  • Round 2: best chosen from each class
  • Round 3: best from Round 2; winners selected after interview


  • Ten students from each grade level (year) receive a fixed scholarship


  • Professor Kang Su-yeong: suyoungkang@wsu.ac.kr; 042-630-9176
  • Jo Eun A-reum (assistant): laopf2@nate.com; 042-630-9398

Global Sol-Sup

What do students do in Sol-Sup?

  • Learn leadership
  • Foster creativity and cooperation through various exciting activities
  • Find future path
  • Receive information about Woosong University’s academics and services
  • Master learning technology
  • Improve global thinking through interaction with English professors

How does it work?

  1. Who: new students
  2. When: first week of spring semester
    - global / leadership / creativity / learning
  3. 30-40 students per class, divided by major
  4. Instructors: English professors
  5. Themes:
    - 2016: Super Hero
    - 2017: Super Hero
    - 2018: This is Me
    - 2019: New Friends
    - 2020: New Friends

Global Sol-SUP Activities

Building Character

1. Goals

Woosong College of Liberal Arts aims to foster talented students who embody Woosong University’s vision and founding principles: self-reliance, uprightness, and goodness. Such students will be able to meet the challenges of the contemporary world characterized by rapid social change and weakened emotional sensitivity and moral vision by building competence, taking practical action, and strengthening social interactions. They will adapt to the spirit of the times and consider the nature of the world of information – the foundation of the civilization of the 21st century – as well as the limitless and continuous unpredictable changes in time and space.

2. Management

1) Programs

Social imagination and problem-solving

  • Theme: Solve problems inside and outside the university and foster sense of community and belonging
  • Foster value of help fellow students and citizens to feel a sense of happiness by solving practical problems, thereby feeling a small satisfaction
  • Realize the values of self-reliance and goodness by observing and finding solutions to social problems, thereby strengthening solidarity among members of the community
  • Mobilize social imagination to find the causes of and solutions to problems
  • Find problems and their causes, and offer solutions in a three-page report (include name, student number, department; groups of up to four)
  • If selected after review, money may be provided

Joining my parent’s life

  • Theme: Understand my parent’s life and share the value of companionship
  • Converse with parents to understand and share what they like (T.V. programs, books, movies, memories)
  • Narrow the generation gap with parents and make a video in which students interview their parents about the past
  • Record parents’ past in order to express student’s love and foster humaneness and uprightness
  • Write the results of conversations with parents in a four-page report (include name, student number, department)
  • Announcement: August 2021
  • Application: October 2021
  • Judging: early November 2021
  • Awards: late November 2021

Learning Concert

1. Goals

  • Raise the effectiveness of general education courses through relevant presentations and contests
  • Inspire academic interest, motivation, and sense of achievement by rewarding outstanding students’ contributions
  • Improve quality of general education courses’ contents

2. Management

1) Who: Applicants for Learning Concert
2) What: Presentations that reflect assignments and content of general education courses
  • General education course assignments: mid-term/final reports, presentations, creative works
  • Creative works based on general education course content: literature, history, music, architecture, psychology, culture, society
3) Schedule
  • Applications: late November 2021
  • Judging: early December 2021
  • Awards: late December 2021

Sol-Great Books Program

1. Goals

  • Provide an opportunity for students to build character and to deepen and broaden their understanding of the world through reading club activities
  • Establish and expand a culture of reading in Woosong University
  • Increase competency in analytic and critical thinking by reading classic literature and general-interest books
  • Inspire students’ desire for academic achievement under instructor’s guidance

2. Management

1) Who: all Woosong University students
2) When: April 2021 – January 2022
3) Announcement and prizes: Woosong University student clubs
4) Clubs (4-5 students)
  1. Club selects, reads, and debates a book
  2. Pursue enrichment through club activities under instructor’s guidance
  3. Publicize achievements in school
  4. Support: Purchase of books; prize money awarded to outstanding clubs and essays after review
5) Club activities and criteria for selection of outstanding clubs
  1. Reading seminar at least three time during semester
  2. Write and submit thematic essay or critical assessment (one per club or individually)
  3. Selection of outstanding club after appraisal “University Writing” or “Scientific Writing” professors’ assessment of “Reading Seminar Minutes” and Thematic Essay”