1. Introduction
Woosong College of Liberal Arts’s Communication Classroom operates a writing clinic to fulfill students’ writing needs. Below, you can find detailed information.
(1) Enrichment Writing Clinic
① Writing courses
All students must complete “University Writing” or “Scientific Writing.” In these courses, they learn the basics of writing in various fields and how to write for their core, major courses. Because time is limited in such courses, and despite the professors’ best efforts, students may not be able to fulfill their potential. The Writing Clinic aims to overcome these limits. Through personal guidance, students can practice and perfect their writing skills.
② General education and major courses
Students sometimes encounter difficulties when they have to write reports and give presentations in a variety of courses. However, because of each course’s special characteristics, it was not easy to give detailed writing analysis and assistance to those who desire such. The Writing Clinic seeks to guide such students in order that they can write in a clear, persuasive, and well-organized manner in many kinds of courses.
(2) Excellence Writing Clinic
③ Contests and employment
Students have to write not only for their university courses but also, in particular, to gain employment or continue their higher education. When doing so, they may encounter difficulties in such goal-oriented writing. The Writing Clinic can help students reach their goals and alleviate their stress.
④ Miscellaneous
Students write for many other reasons. For example, they may write a blog post or contribute an article to newspaper or magazine. The Writing Clinic can assist such students to make an objective analysis of their writings and reduce fear of making public their opinions.
2. Program Outline
The Writing Clinic is divided into the “Course-linked Clinic” and “Personal Clinic.” The “Course-linked Clinic” aims to improve style and form of students’ writing done for “University Writing” and “Scientific Writing.” The “Personal Clinic” aims to assist students who want to write for other courses, employment, or contests.
(1) Course-linked Clinic
(2) Personal Guidance
3. Woosong Best Essay Prize and ”Woosong Essay Anthology”
The best essays written by students in “University Writing” and “Scientific Writing” are evaluated and published in the “Woosong Essay Anthology” in order to share their achievements with the school’s student body and faculty and to help other students to write better.
“University Writing” Evaluation (first round) Preliminary candidates Evaluation (second round) Woosong Essay Prize “Woosong Essay Anthology”
Upperclassmen Writing Clinic Evaluation(first round) Preliminary candidates Evaluation (second round) Woosong Essay Prize “Woosong Essay Anthology”
Offline Consulting
Online Consulting
1. Goals
- The “Creative Writing Consulting Program” is divided into “Intensive University Writing” and “General Education and Major Courses Consulting.”
- In University Writing, students learn the basics of writing in various fields and how to write for their core, major courses. Because time is limited in such courses, and despite the professors’ best efforts, students may not be able to reach their full potential.
- The Creative Writing Consulting Program gives students one-on-one guidance to improve all aspects of their writing.
- General Education and Major Courses Consulting gives students personal guidance to improve all aspects of their writing.
2. Operation
- This service is available only during regular semesters. Students desirous of consultion may select a professor and upload their files and requests to the message board
- The professor in charge gives feedback, uploads documents and, depending on the situation, meets students online.